
Monday, October 22, 2012

Top 8 Healthy Diet Mistakes

Posted by Guest

Those looking to drop a few pounds of fat and/or gain a few pounds of muscle typically pay quite a bit of attention to their dieting habits. After all, aside from regular visits to the gym, it’s what you eat that is primarily responsible for how your body looks and feels.
Not everyone that watches what they eat ends up eating the right things however. Between the wealth of misinformation available online and the typical lack of logic found in locker room conversations, many fitness buffs end up making the wrong sacrifices. Should you be looking for a better body, here are eight things that you shouldn’t do. 
Skipping Breakfast 
Skipping breakfast is probably one of most commonly made dieting mistakes especially among those new to the activity. In theory, skipping those morning calories makes perfect sense but unfortunately, it’s rarely an effective tactic when it comes to dropping the pounds. 
When you skip breakfast, your body doesn’t wake up properly. Your rates of metabolism remain low which means that you don’t burn fat properly until lunch time. Skipping breakfast usually leads to you eating that lunch a lot earlier too. 
Drinking Fruit Juice 
Most clever dieters know that soda is very much a no go but many still enjoy fruit juices. After all, the more fruit, the better, right? Fruit juices are actually not a wise choice for those on a diet due to their extremely high sugar content in the form of fructose. 
Like any other type of sugar, fructose is more than capable of making you pack on the pounds when consumed in large quantities. If you’re a fruit fan, stick to the solid variety. 
Too Much Protein 
If you want to bulk up, you need protein and lot’s of it. Many fitness fans take this too much to heart however and end up consuming far too much. Your body can only use thirty grams of protein at a time, any more than this and you are looking at increased fat, not increased muscle. 
There’s a reason professional body builders eat up to seven small meals a day. Protein needs to be consumed gradually. A massive steak for lunch is not helping you to achieve your fitness goals.
Using Supplements Incorrectly 
The marketing behind supplements can easily leave you believing that they are very much an essential component of a healthy diet. This is not actually the case. The science behind the benefits of many supplements is dodgy at best. And those that actually do work are commonly used incorrectly. 
Supplements are designed to supplement an existing healthy diet. They can never act as a replacement for the nutrients found in fruit and vegetables. And in many cases, provided you are eating the right fruit and vegetables already, the benefits of supplements are somewhat miniscule. 
Taking the Weekend Off 
Setting realistic goals is an important part of sticking to any diet in the long run. This means that allowing yourself to eat your favourite food once a week can certainly make sense. Many people take this too far however and take the entire weekend off. Doing so can easily lead to you undoing the progress you have made midweek. 
Many bodybuilders take an entire day off each week, allowing themselves to eat whatever the they want. They can only afford to do this however because they are working out so much. If you’re not a big fan of the gym, you need to stick to your diet every day if you want to actually benefit from it. 
Forgetting About Alcohol 
Regardless of how much you enjoy a few drinks at the weekend, the calories in a pint are just as fattening as those found in food. You don’t need to give up drinking completely but you do need to include your drinks in your daily calorie/carbohydrate calculations. 
It’s also worth noting that most people consume alcohol late in the day and calories consumed after eight pm are rarely converted into energy. Too much alcohol can therefore have a disastrous affects on your dieting goals. 
Eating Unlimited Health Food 
Another type of calories that many fitness fans don’t seem to worry about are those found in health food. It doesn’t matter if your chicken is grilled or fried, the calories contained within can make you fat just as easily. Therefore while healthy choices are certainly recommended, you still need to watch your portion sizes. 
Eliminating Fat 
Finally, we have the small matter of fat, the most feared of all food components. Limiting your fat intake makes sense, attempting to go fat free however certainly does not. A little bit of fat is actually necessary for a whole bunch of things, in particular, for effective digestion and keeping yourself feeling full. Eliminating fat is therefore more likely to hamper your dieting efforts than help them.
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