If you're reading this article, you may be wondering
about the benefits of a raw food diet, right? Well, the benefits of
eating more raw foods are numerous and once you understand them you'll
probably wonder why you haven't eaten more raw in the past. You'll also
think twice about eating dead cooked foods ever again.
Raw Foods Give You More Energy
I don't think I know of a single person who
eats at least 80% raw foods who doesn't enjoy far more energy than the
average person. I know that when I transitioned away from eating a diet
made up of breads, dairy, and cooked foods, and adopted more of a raw
foods diet, my energy went through the roof. And I'm not talking about
the quick surge you would get from an espresso but rather long-lasting
energy that enables you to do more with less.
For instance, eating raw will allow you to
sleep less and have far more energy than you ever thought possible. When
I'm eating at least 80% raw, I can easily function on just 4-5 hours of
sleep. I literally bounce out of bed and don't require any naps
throughout the day. Oh yeah, did I mention that I workout every single
day as well? Sometimes, even twice!
Energizing Enzymes
There are several reasons why a raw food diet
will give you more energy. First, raw foods are rich in food enzymes.
Enzymes are required for every single reaction in the body.
Unfortunately, our bodies only have a finite number of these enzymes, so
when we run out, we run out of life! To add to this, when you heat
foods above 118 degrees fahrenheit, you destroy the food enzymes that
are naturally present in all raw foods. Therefore, if you eat a
predominantly cooked foods diet, you're not getting enough food enzymes,
which means that your body will have to produce and use more of its own
to digest and metabolize your foods.
The more energy your body needs to divert
towards digestion, the less energy you will have for other activities.
You will feel more lethargic and tired as your body is trying to
breakdown "dead" foods and figure out what to do with them.
So, the food enzymes inherent in raw foods
are a big reason for boosting your body's energy. They are the spark
plugs and are intricately related to the next property that make raw
foods so energy-boosting.
Life Force
When raw foods are left intact, they are also
known as living foods. They are called "living" because they carry an
incredible amount of life force.
Now, since every living being has an aura or
energy field illuminating from their body, which foods do you think
would enhance yours? High energy raw foods or cooked foods that dead? I
think we both know the answer.
As I like to say, "eat alive and you will thrive".
Weight Loss and Beautiful Skin
The other highly sought-after quality of a
raw foods diet is its ability to help you lose weight and beautify your
skin. Almost all raw foodists have reported losing weight they could
never lose. At the same time, they notice an instant improvement in
their skin. They look younger and have a natural glow that comes about
because of the "living" nature of raw foods, their abundance of enzymes,
and of course the plethora of nutrients that are ingested when eating
more fruits and vegetables.
You will find it easier to lose weight on a
raw food diet because your getting more nutrients and, therefore, your
body won't crave "dead" foods. Second, the enzymes help to breakdown the
foods you are eating and excess energy and fat stores in your body.
Third, raw foods are water-rich, which helps you feel more satiated, as
well as hydrated.
Many of these reasons also help us explain
why living foods make you look younger and beautify your skin. Enzymes,
life force, water, and high quality nutrients all play a role in natural
skin care.
We could talk about the benefits of a raw
food diet for hours but the only to truly understand them is to
experience them for yourself. So why not take action today and enjoy the
health, the body, and the vitality that you deserve!
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